's Top Questions of 2011: Kardashian, Bieber and Obama
Earlier this week, Bing released its list of top search queries of 2011 (so far) and today is‘s turn. The search engine, which makes questions the center of its users’ experience, compiled a list of the top questions related to celebrities, news events and politics.
Just like Bing’s list, Ask’s users seem to have an appetite for celebrity gossip. “Was Kim Kardashian’s wedding fake?” and “Is Justin Bieber going to be a dad?” were the top celebrity related searches on the site. With regard to news events, the earthquake in Japan earlier this year, as well as Hurricane Irene and the death of Steve Jobs ranked high.
As for politics,’s users wondered whether Barack Obama will get re-elected and what Mitt Romney’s religion is.
Here are the full top 10 lists:
Top celebrity search terms and questions include:
1. Kim Kardashian: Was Kim Kardashian’s wedding fake?
2. Justin Bieber: Is Justin Bieber going to be a dad?
3. Lady Gaga: Are Lady Gaga’s face implants real?
4. Beyonce: Did Beyonce fake a baby bump?
5. Kate Middleton: Who made Kate Middleton’s wedding dress?
6. Ashton Kutcher: Did Ashton cheat?
7. Michael Jackson: Was Michael Jackson murdered?
8. Selena Gomez: Is Selena Gomez pregnant?
9. Lindsay Lohan: Is Lindsay Lohan going to jail?
10. Charlie Sheen: What happened to Charlie Sheen’s teeth?
Top news search terms and questions include:
1. Earthquake in Japan: How big was the earthquake in Japan?
2. Hurricane Irene: What caused Hurricane Irene?
3. Steve Jobs: How much was Steve Jobs worth?
4. Royal Wedding: What did William whisper to Kate on the balcony?
5. Occupy Wall Street: Who started Occupy Wall Street?
6. iPhone: When will Apple release the iPhone 5?
7. Osama Bin Laden: Who killed Bin Laden?
8. Casey Anthony: Where is Casey Anthony hiding?
9. 10th Anniversary of September 11: What is happening on the 10th anniversary of 9/11?
10. Amy Winehouse: How did Amy Winehouse die?
Top political searches and questions include:
1. Barack Obama: Will Obama get re-elected?
2. Mitt Romney: What is Mitt Romney’s religion?
3. Sarah Palin: Is Sarah Palin running for president?
4. Michele Bachmann: Is Michele Bachmann crazy?
5. Anthony Weiner: Where can I find Anthony Weiner’s Twitter pics?
6. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Who was Arnold’s mistress?
7. Gay Marriage: Which states allow gay marriage?
8. Withdrawl from Iraq: When will the troops come home?
9. Iowa Caucus: When is the Iowa caucus?
10. Muammar Ghadafi: Who will lead Libya after Ghadafi?