Skype to Go Relaunch Makes International Calls Easier & Works from Any Phone
No matter what phone you have and whether you have a data plan or not, Skype now lets you make international calls with just a few clicks and from any phone (after a quick setup).
For quite a while now, Skype has been offering Skype to Go as an easy and cheap way to make calls from any phone to your friends, family members and business contacts abroad, but the system wasn’t very flexible (you only got one dial in number) and not necessarily the easiest to use (you had to wade through quite a few voice prompts before you could make your call).
Now, with the new and enhanced Skype to Go, you can now set up a maximum of 9 local direct dial numbers that you can save in your contacts list and that automatically route your calls to your contacts abroad. Skype basically converts your international numbers into local ones.
The great thing about this new feature is that it works from any phone, on any network and doesn’t even eat into your data plans.
If you regularly call your brother in Spain, for example, Skype will give you a local number in the U.S. for him that you can save in your contacts list and whenever you feel like chatting with him, you just dial the local number, type in your pin and Skype will automatically route this call to his number in Spain. You pay Skype’s low international rates for these calls, as well as whatever your landline or mobile phone company charges you for local calls.
To set this up, you sign in to Skype on its website, tell Skype which number to call and it will generate a local number for you (you can choose area codes etc. yourself). Then, you save this local number in your contacts and you’re done.